Project publications

Just realeased!

  1. Williams, H., Djung, S., Beckert, N., Crossin, E. & Näswall. K. (2024) Career commitment and turnover intention for engineers in Australia. University of Canterbury.
  2. Djung, S., Williams, H., Beckert, N., Crossin, E. & Näswall. K. (2024) Career commitment and turnover intention for engineers in New Zealand. University of Canterbury.

Journal Articles

  1. Crossin, E., Richards, J.I., Dart, S. & Näswall, K.,  (2023). A taxonomy of common engineering activities and competencies. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education.

Peer-reviewed Conference Papers, Presentations and Workshops

  1. Crossin, E., Gardner, A., Näswall, K., Pawsey, F., Rowe, G., & Stewart, E. (2023). Engineering activities differentiated by experience and gender. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2023), Gold Coast, Australia.
  2. Crossin, E., Dart, S., Gardner, A., Näswall, K., Pawsey, F., Richards, J. & Rowe, G. (2022). The BeLongEng project - protocol and baseline data for a prospective longitudinal cohort study of engineers in Australia and New Zealand. Paper presented at the 33rd Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference (AAEE 2022): Future of Engineering Education, Sydney, Australia.


  1. Williams, H., Djung, S., Beckert, N., Crossin, E. & Näswall. K. (2024) Career commitment and turnover intention for engineers in Australia. University of Canterbury.
  2. Djung, S., Williams, H., Beckert, N., Crossin, E. & Näswall. K. (2024) Career commitment and turnover intention for engineers in New Zealand. University of Canterbury.
  3. Crossin, E., Norriss, D., Näswall, K., Pawsey, F. & Rowe, G. (2022). The BeLongEng Project – Baseline report. University of Canterbury.


  1. Crossin, E., Dart, S., Gardner, A., Näswall, K., Pawsey, F. & Richards, J. (2022). BeLongEng Data Dictionary. Baseline Survey 2022. Version 1.0. University of Canterbury, 


  1. Richards, J. (2022). Career commitment and turnover intentions in practising engineers [Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury].

Related publications

Journal Articles

  1. Dart, S., Cunningham-Nelson, S., & Dawes, L. (2020). Understanding student perceptions of worked example videos through the technology acceptance model. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(5), 1278-1290. doi: 

  2. Hadisantono, H., Rowe, G., & Giacaman, N. (2020). Extending assessment of engineering professional skills to include the local Indonesia higher education competency. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 25(1), 90-10 doi:

  3. Mann, L., Chang, R., Chandrasekaran, S., Coddington, A., Daniel, S., Cook, E., Crossin, E., Cosson, B., Turner, J., Mazzurco, A., Dohaney, J., O’Hanlon, T., Pickering, J., Walker, S., Maclean, F., Smith, T.D. (2020). From problem-based learning to practice-based education: a framework for shaping future engineers. European Journal of Engineering Education, 1-21. doi:

  4. Mazzurco, A., Crossin, E., Chandrasekaran, S., Daniel, S., & Sadewo, G. (2020). Empirical research studies of practicing engineers: A mapping review of journal articles 2000-2018. European Journal of Engineering Education. doi:

  5. Bryce, T., Far, H., & Gardner, A. (2019). Barriers to career advancement for female engineers in Australia’s civil construction industry and recommended solutions. Australian Journal of Civil Engineering, 17(1), 1-10. doi:

  6. Male, S. A., Gardner, A., Figueroa, E., & Bennett, D. (2018). Investigation of students’ experiences of gendered cultures in engineering workplaces. European Journal of Engineering Education, 43(3), 360-377. doi:

  7. Male, S. A., & Bennett, D. (2015). Threshold concepts in undergraduate engineering: Exploring engineering roles and value of learning. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 20(1), 59-69. doi:

  8. Reich, A., Rooney, D., Gardner, A., Willey, K., Boud, D., & Fitzgerald, T. (2015). Engineers' professional learning: a practice-theory perspective. European Journal of Engineering Education, 40(4), 366-379. doi:

  9. Hudson, P., English, L. D., Dawes, L., & Macri, J. (2012). Contextualizing a University-School STEM Education Collaboration: Distributed and Self-activated Leadership for Project Outcomes. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 40(6), 772-785. doi:

  10. Male, S. A., Bush, M. B., & Chapman, E. S. (2011a). An Australian study of generic competencies required by engineers. European Journal of Engineering Education, 36(2), 151-163. doi:

  11. Male, S. A., Bush, M. B., & Chapman, E. S. (2011b). Understanding Generic Engineering Competencies. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 17(3), 147-156. doi:

  12. Male, S. A. (2010). Generic Engineering Competencies: a Review and Modelling Approach. Education Research and Perspectives, 37(1), 25-51.

  13. Male, S. A., Bush, M. B., & Chapman, E. S. (2010). Perceptions of Competency Deficiencies in Engineering Graduates. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 16(1), 55-68. doi:

Book chapters

  1. Rooney, D., Willey, K., Gardner, A., Boud, D., Reich, A., & Fitzgerald, T. (2015). Engineers’ professional learning: Through the lens of practice. In B. Williams, J. Figeiredo & J. Trevelyan (Eds.), Engineering Practice in a Global Context (pp. 265-280). Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC Press.

Peer-reviewed Conference Papers, Presentations, and Workshops

  1. Reis, S., Bunker, J. M., & Dawes, L. A. (2019). Career and trajectory study: An Australian study of early career civil engineer’s career trajectories - presentation.

  2. Varoy, E. J., Rowe, G. B., & Giacaman, N. (2019). Improving Understanding of Electrical Concepts Using Visualisation, Collaboration and Experiential Learning. Paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE 2019): Educators Becoming Agents of Change: Innovate, Integrate, Motivate, Brisbane, Australia.;dn=068755682569210;res=IELENG

  3. Coddington, A., Mann, L., Chandrasekaran, S., Cook, E., Crossin, E., Daniel, S., Mazzurco, A., Smith, T.D., Turner, J. (2018). Grounded by values: An emergent engineering practice. Paper presented at the 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2018 (AAEE 2018), Hamilton, New Zealand.;dn=392570829474478;res=IELENG

  4. Crossin, E., & Dohaney, J. (2018). Can we select students who will go on to be successful engineers? Paper presented at the 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2018 (AAEE 2018), Hamilton, New Zealand.;dn=163789522176164;res=IELENG

  5. Hadisantono, Rowe, G. B., & Giacaman, N. (2018). Assessment of Engineering Professional Skills through EPSA Rubric Class Administrations. Paper presented at the 29th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2018 (AAEE 2018), Hamilton, New Zealand.;dn=167236621858931;res=IELENG

  6. Wang, C., & Rowe, G. B. (2018). Online-scaffolding-learning tools to improve first-year undergraduate engineering students’ self-regulated learning abilities. Paper presented at the Tertiary Education Research NZ (TERNZ) 2018 conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

  7. Cook, E., Chandrasekaran, S., Crossin, E., & Mann, L. (2017). The fundamentals are important… but what are they? Paper presented at the 28th Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference 2017 (AAEE 2017), Sydney, Australia.

  8. Willey, K., Gardner, A., & Figueroa, E. (2015). Supporting students learning despite difficult workplace interactions. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 43rd SEFI Annual Conference 2015 - Diversity in Engineering Education: An Opportunity to Face the New Trends of Engineering, SEFI 2015, Orleans, France.

  9. Briody, F., Goh, S., & Dawes, L. (2012). Power of engineering: Changing the perceptions of year 9 and 10 female school students towards an engineering career. In L. Mann & D. Scott (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (pp. 1-8). Australia: The Engineering and Science Education Research (ESER) Group, Swinburne University of Technology.

  10. Smaill, C. R., Rowe, G. B., Godfrey, E., & Paton, R. O. (2012). An Investigation Into the Understanding and Skills of First-Year Electrical Engineering Students. IEEE Transactions on Education, 55(1), 29-35. doi:

  11. Webb, R., Egodawatta, P., & Dawes, L. (2011). Creating better learning environments by cross-disciplinary collaboration: A civil engineering and surveying linkage. In E. Lindsay & Y. M. Al-Abdeli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (pp. 370-375). Australia: Engineers Australia.

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